Abdalla Awad's Agriculture Engineer Portfolio
Explore Abdalla Awad's projects in agriculture engineering and application development.
الموقع الشخصي للمهندس الزراعي
عبدالله عوض
مشاريع المهندس عبدالله عوض
Explore Abdalla Awad's various projects in agriculture engineering and MS Access development.
Date Palm Encyclopedia
Discover the ultimate resource for all things related to date palms.
Smart Agriculture Systems
Learn about innovative technologies transforming the field of agriculture.
Other Interests
Find out more about Abdalla Awad's diverse range of projects.
Abdalla Awad's Projects
موسوعة نخيل التمر
أنظمة الزراعه الذكية
نشاطات اخري
الخبرات العمليه لعبدالله عوض
As an agriculture engineer and MS Access applications developer, Abdalla Awad has extensive experience in creating innovative solutions. His projects include the Date Palm Encyclopedia and Smart Agriculture Systems.
Professional Portfolio Highlights
Explore Abdalla Awad's work in agriculture engineering and MS Access development, as well as his projects in date palm encyclopedia and smart agriculture systems.
Agriculture Engineer
Experience. With our intuitive design and user-friendly interface, your website will captivate visitors. 2
Abdalla Awad's Work Experience
Meet Abdalla Awad: Agriculture Engineer and Developer
Abdalla Awad is an agriculture engineer and MS Access applications developer with a passion for date palm encyclopedia and smart agriculture systems.
About Abdalla Awad
Abdalla Awad is a dedicated agriculture engineer and developer, specializing in MS Access applications and innovative projects like date palm encyclopedia and smart agriculture systems.
Contact Information
Welcome to the contact page of Abdalla Awad, an agriculture engineer and MS Access applications developer.